Happy Good Friday!!!
Not much going on here - well that isn't true - lots going on but nothing to exciting....
Working on my dress for new Zealand still - remaking the paniers. Almost done the structure but I want to put an impressive ruffle on it.... Been prepping things and collecting tea bags and coffee fiilters all week. It is going well but slow.
I thought I liked the wig but opened a book the other day to show a friend and saw these amazing wigs....
Now I want to make it wackier, bigger and PINKER!!! Bought some styrofoam and wire and decided to add used bounce sheets into the mix...
The Dictator and I have finally decided to fix our sad little patio/backyard. Some of you may have seen my attempts to grow things back there. Sadly there just isn't enough sun... So I spent the morning digging up my plants. Now the Dictator took a sledge hammer to the hideous cement patio block. He is halfway done already. Tomorrow off to get rid of the cement. Next will come gravel and then some grey patio stones.... I'll keep my plants in pots and then I'll be able to put them in the sunny section.

We also have our eye on this
little number at ikea... it looks quite nice with cushions and it small enough to fit in our yard.....
And no the window isn't dirty. It is stained with water on the inside. I can't get to it. We need it replaced. There was a vote for the strata this Jan but sadly it hasn't gone through. UGH.... I wanted a new patio window so I can look out on my little yard...
anyways that is all for now... Just having a blogging/supper break then back up to the sewing room....