Started the girls halloween costumes today. Birdie is a ferocious circus leopard (oops almost said tiger) Minou is going to bea clown - I'll start hers next - I still need to pick up a few things. Birdie might get a few rhinestones yet too - not sure....
I made a double at the same time so I'll sell it on etsy once Birdie lets me take some good pictures - HA HA HA..
Not much new here - work work work. We were supposed to cut down to part time but it hasn't happened. This after I told a bunch of people I could help them out with things. Oops.
Fighting with the relatives about the election. I don't know how to convince these people they shouldn't vote for Harper - you'd think the idea that I will be on EI if he wins and they will have to start paying my mortgage would be incentive enough. If any of you are undecided out there - or even remotely considering Harper - THINK AGAIN. Remember my post a few years ago - something along the lines of 'harper hates cute puppies' so yah don't vote for him....
Next weekend we'll be at my sister's for Thanksgiving. YAY! (Psst and my birthday)
I'm sure Minou will be thrilled to see her big cousin madelaine.