Saturday, February 28, 2009

(news)Paper Doll

(news)Paper Doll
Originally uploaded by Ang..

still not finished - been so busy with work lately. But here is a little progress shot.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I'm still alive. Sort of...

That flu really knocked me out. I spent this week absolutely exhausted. Napping, going to bed early, you know that kid of stuff. Friday I started my new movie job which is good! We started with a 12 hour day though. By the time I got home I was so pooped. I was asleep by 10:00 - and out of it. And stayed that way until almost 10:00 the next morning. The Dictator said he kept waking up and looking over at me but I was dead to the world. I am usually up by 7:00 am. I had two naps yesterday too.

The weather has been gorgeous. We went for a long walk with the girls yesterday. It definitely feels like spring. The trees are starting to bud the snow is gone. Those groundhogs were way wrong. Today it is raining for the first time in 2 weeks. It feels like a nice gentle spring rain and not one of those crazy downpours of freezing rain one would usually expect this time of year. I even have some windows open....

Not much else. I need to work on my wearable art dress. I made a hoop skirt last week but now I have some changes I want to make.... I wat to get rid of the leopard print on the skirt, I need to add another ruffle on the bottom, AND I have to redo the ruffle at the waist. I think these are going to have to go on by hand sadly as I can't fit this stuff on the machine anymore. SCARY. The dictator already had to hold it as I sewed the last three ruffles. Maybe I'll get some pictures later today of the hoop and any progress I make. It is HUGE now... HUGE...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I've been sick. REALLY sick. Flat on my back for a week home from work. Poor Steph has had to suffer through it with me via email..... It is amazing how much we talk to each other even though we live 3 time zones apart and see each other once every fiver years if we are lucky. She knows more about what is going on with me then my mom... Yay gmail chat.....
A nasty flubug. It starts with a cough, then turns into a fever and lots of aches and pains. Stays that way for 5 days. Doesn't let you sleep much. It started last Monday and today - Sunday I left the house for the first time. It was good to be out. It is a beautiful 9 degrees outside today the sun is shining not a cloud in the sky..
Anyways. For Valentines I gave the Dictator a really sweet gift. Very thoughtful of me. I gave him my flu. He had to work yesterday but when he came home we spent the entire evening on the couch passing the bottle of buckley's back and forth taking each other's temperature. So far he has missed out on the worst of it and seems to have jumped straight to the cough part with me.
I hope this hasn't put me to behind on my show. It was not the way I had intended things to be. I was going to a ahead on it this week so that I wouldn't be stressed if I was starting my film this week. (I may have a real job starting soon - I'll say more when it actually starts) But now I'm a week behind.
I had also hoped to finish my wearable art dress. Didn't do that either... Joy....
I am very glad I am feeling better though. Three Dog Bakery opened up in Port Moody this weekend - I had no idea! This is bad news for me but the girls are excited! Our short walk took us there this afternoon and Daddy bought them treats. Lucky for me their debit machines aren't working yet. They have all their delicious looking cookies and treats.
The short walk wore me out. I had to have a nap when we came home. Sad really...
My cough is still super nasty, and my sinuses are weird - making me dizzy, making my ears hurt, stuff like that. But I'm glad to be off the couch moving around again.
blah blah blah.
I'm rambling and not very focused.
And yes Minou was an excellent little nursemaid as usual. And Birdie - well she always tries.... and is awfully cute doing it.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Did another ruffle on my newspaper dress this morning. I was going to try and get two done but I am out of paint. Must head out to Michaels and see what they have.
I have another idea for it too - not sure if it will work - I'm going to get that thin spaghetti - is it spaghettini? I'm going to boil it, then arrange it in decorative scrolly shapes on wax paper. Let it dry. Paint it black. Sew it on and hopefully use it as a sort of lace/embroidered effect on the bodice.
I also bought some silver and black itty bitty swarovski crystals to put on the bodice. Gotta love the sparkle. I can get them wholesale at Jefferson here - they still aren't cheap but I LOVE them.
I can't really take pretty progress pictures this weekend as my mannequin and tea bag dress had a date somewhere. I don't even know where they go half the time. It has a better social life then me.

Not much else is going on. Working at cap college - the students are doing some beautiful work - hopefully it will be a nice looking show. I'll have to start taking some pictures of their projects so you can see the dresses I've been drawing over the last month come to life...

It also looks like I will be starting on a movie sooner rather then later. Sewing - no stress yay! Zombie movie too - heh heh fun Zombie costumes.....

It has felt like spring here the past few days, driving around with my window rolled down singing along to the tunes but today of course when the dictator is home with me it looks like it is going to rain. No walks for the girls....

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The girls in Space Buddies

The girls in Space Buddies
Originally uploaded by Ang..

Ok I couldn't figure out which dog was Minou in this one cause they all looked like Minou. Then I realized all the dogs were doubled up. Can you spot all the Minou's and Birdie's?? Hee hee... To cute.

Minou in Space Buddies

Minou in Space Buddies
Originally uploaded by Ang..

she had a 'line' or bark and everything, even though she was only on screen for a second. It was GREAT.
The only real scene with Birdie showed BIrdie trying to jump off the table instead of being worried about the Space Buddies. I think her acting career is over. Minou was great though. Perfect acting. Looked concerned when the Buddies were in danger and was happy when they were safe.
hee hee!!!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

....while sewing ruffles

....while sewing ruffles
Originally uploaded by Ang..

this is going to get very painful in a patience kind of way. That is only 2 ruffles - can you imagine when there is 4 ruffles I have to work around.
Why do I do this to myself.

two ruffles done!

two ruffles done!
Originally uploaded by Ang..

4 more to go! I'm a little faster now. Not fast enough though....