1. Dress made it to New Zealnd - judging happens on Saturday - whew close call - just made it in time. If we get through this round of judging it makes it to the BIG SHOW in sept....
2. Birdie (we think) fell down the stairs sunday night causing trauma to her liver. $600 vet bill later she is doing much better thank you!
3. Finished on Tron in the next few weeks (we finish shooting this week and then just have wrap) Next job is lined up and waiting - Suckerpunch!!! No break for me this summer but my bank account is happy about that.....
Other then that more of the same... FInished the sign for Gentille Alouette - I'll give more details when she is open. My newspaper dress is there on display along with some minoupitou doggie clothes for sale.....
Stamping my way
5 hours ago
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