I use my duchess silk ziggy stardust purse ONE day and I manage to break my oregano oil bottle and totally spill it on everything. UGH
I washed it and it survived but it isn't the same. You just can't wash silk satin.
Today while it was drying I used my black canvas ziggy stardust bag.
Don't you think I spilled an entire bottle of iced tea in it.
I'm such a loser.
Perhaps I'm not supposed to have nice bags.
What do you think Steph - is it time to bring out the nice felted lala bag? EEKS what tragedy will befall it?
I'm a horrible purse person. Plastic bags for me....

I think we finally finished Con's etsy banner today. YAY! Next business cards.
I'm really tired this week. That oregano oil was my attempt to ward off the cold I think my body is desperately fighting. That oil is soo horrid. SOOO HORRID. Worse then any cough syrup I had growing up. I'll have to buy some more.
You make amazing things! I love bags as well... but my thing is dropping cakes just prior to delivery. Maybe I should make bags.