I've had a really good year and it is ending as busy as it started...... There were some sad heartbreaking moments for people around me but I'm going to take this moment to focus on the crazy good stuff that happened to ME.
- I had non stop employment which hasn't been easy the past few years
- won the Port Moody wearable art show for the 2nd year
- worked on some amazing shows, tron legacy - HELLO, how cool is that?
- Steph finally popped a little mini me out, I loved being on the phone with her for the split second in the hospital when the contractions had started (Uh Andrew I think you need to get off the phone and go be with your wife)
- met some amazing new people TaMara, WOW designers and Ingrid, Michael Wilkinson (so talented and kind)
- had my first overseas flight and learned a valuable lesson about gravol
- took part in the World of Wearable Art Awards show
- had my name mentioned in TIME MAGAZINE
- minoupitou was mentioned in good housekeeping magazine
- celebrated my birthday and thanksgiving with a PROPOSAL!!! AND 12 hours of non stop puking. No they weren't related. I swear.
- Miranda and Peter also popped out a little mini me - I'm thinking Sydney and Tula need to meet up in 20 years as they have some of the coolest parents I know
- got me the prettiest engagement ring EVER and along with it the best guy in the world
I don't know how 2010 can top 2009. All I really want it is a little more sleep. Something tells me that isn't going to happen right away.
I'm going to apologize in advance for all the wedding related posts that will start to happen. Next weekend is the big wedding show in town and I'm in official planning mode from then on.....
Happy Holidays everyone!!!!!
20 hours ago