I'm leaving today. SUPER NERVOUS!!!!!!!!!!
Last load of laundry is in the dryer.
Not sure what to all do to keep me occupied until I leave for the airport at 4:30. Spend quality outdoor time with the puppies is probably a must. I would still like to head out to the mall for a quick looky loo for a nice coat. Unfortunately it is the wrong season for something that isn't wool.
Got a book to read, season 2 of flight of the conchords, an extra battery, NZ travel book, I should manage to keep myself busy. Just waiting to hear back from TaMara on whether we want to book the jelag package at the spa Tuesday morning when we arrive. It sounds so NICE!!!!!!!!!
The tv station emailed - I have a 20 minute interview on Friday afternoon. They are doing some kind of tv documentary this year. They said it might air internationally - well I HOPE IT DOESN'T! EEPS.
Not much else to report. I'm off! As my good friend Cara used to say in highschool "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!"
2 days ago
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