Originally uploaded by Ang,Luc, & Minou.
landlady said yes. Now I must plot it's demise....
Mommy and Daddy are EVIL. I started school on SAT. Mommy kept telling me I was but I didn't know what it is. I was sooo scared! Mommy sat and watched and Daddy went to school with me. There were some BIG DOGS! A great Dane, a rotweiller, a german shepard and a bulldog. But there were some little dogs too, another chihuahua, two poms, a papillion. I HATED IT. I CRIED THE ENTIRE CLASS FOR MOMMY TO COME GET ME. Daddy was pretty mad. But I kept crying. I thought for sure MOmmy would come pick me up - but she is so horrible she didn't. They made me "heel" and "stay" what a joke. NEVER. The Papillion peed on the floor - maybe I will try that next week. Oh - yah - I pooped in Auntie Thyrza's house. Heh heh. I was mad at everyone for ignoring me, and I had to poop. I hope I don't have to go to school again. Yuck.
this looks BAD. But the landlady is away so they still haven't asked so it isn't too late - keep writing letters. We must stop this madness...
Mommy and Daddy found this baby online tonight - born on Monday........ Maybe it will be my new sister?
i thought target only had good fun things..... evil evil mommy