Yay! I got to open my presents last night. I had to wait until midnight though. Grandma and Sparky Senior got me a baby baboon. I've already hid it somewhere in the house so no one can steal it from me. I also got a box of bacon flavoured rawhide bones - they are tiny just like me! And for breakfast today mom let me eat an entire chicken jerky!
Mom and Dad liked their presents too - Dad got power tools from Grandpere Marcel and mom got a ring from dad. I liked the chocolates and things from lush because they smelled the best.
Last night we went to Thyrza's I was so excited I barked at them to open the door. But when I ran inside there was this other horrible big dog. I screamed and screamed - it was a nightmare. After awhile it fell asleep so I relaxed a bit. But I had to be careful - at any moment it would wake up and visit someone. I also got to see that horrible cat - and it had a friend. They are vicious - it nearly ripped Thyrza's mom's hand off! Horrible creatures why would anyone want one.
Now I have to have a nap because I'm already tired. I didn't get enough sleep last night too much excitement

This is our tree this year - way too big I want a much smaller one next year. Notice there is nothing on top.

Dad was supposed to make an angel for Christmas - he made this flying Tiger Woods robot - I think it is kinda scary. Mom said it was too big for the top of the tree

Me and dad opening presents.
Merry Christmas!