Ang and Luc
Originally uploaded by Luc, Ang, Minou and Birdie II.
my mommy the whore and daddy the - well I don't know what to say about that suit....
my mommy the whore and daddy the - well I don't know what to say about that suit....
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! I'll tell you all about my presents on Christmas. Hope everyone has a fun holiday with lots of cheese, jerky, greenies and peanut butter!
I got to see Santa last night. FOR THE SECOND TIME THIS CHRISTMAS. But this one was the real one - the first one was a 15 yr old kid with a bad white beard. This one was at the MALL - he was real. There was lots of other puppies at the mall too and I was good and said hi to all of them. Someone even commented on how social I was being. (Mommy was impressed that I wasn't hiding or wanting 'upsies')
Mommy made me a collar for Xmas too - not sure why she is trying to be secrective about it - it's on flickr and I was there when she made it. Weirdo. But now it is in my stocking. Birdie gets one too - it is under the tree.
the puppy raincoat Mommy has been making - it is too big for me....
I got me a new sweater yesterday. Mommy was supposedly sewing a raincoat for a puppy for a Christmas present but instead came around the corner with this. Apparently there is enough left over to make Birdie a sweater too. Mommy has been buying gap sweaters from value village that people shrink and get rid of and been sewing them into sweaters for me. I have another striped pink one too. There is one more sweater sitting in her fabric basket waiting!!!! red and orange stripes...
there... maybe now I will let you go see it - I have cast myself in a starring role as Meg's faithful scottish chihuahua. I think I need to get Mommy to make me an appropriate costume
i was cuter....
Mommy's show opens on Friday. I have hardly seen her. She comes home at 2:00am.... It is horrible... then I want to play but she just goes to sleep. and then daddy gets mad at me for waking him up with all the toys.
Mommy said I might get to go to dress rehearsal tonight - if I do I will review the show...
For anyone who wants to go Mommy can get discounted tickets so send her an email....
i had fun this weekend with christine at a doggy XMas party - even sat on Santa's lap but I will have to write more later and Mommy is taking the computer away.