Originally uploaded by Ang,Luc, & Minou.
I got me a new sweater yesterday. Mommy was supposedly sewing a raincoat for a puppy for a Christmas present but instead came around the corner with this. Apparently there is enough left over to make Birdie a sweater too. Mommy has been buying gap sweaters from value village that people shrink and get rid of and been sewing them into sweaters for me. I have another striped pink one too. There is one more sweater sitting in her fabric basket waiting!!!! red and orange stripes...
Minou, you look so pretty in your new sweater! Purple is definitely your colour. What a lucky dog! Little Birdie is kinda cute, I agree, but you are a beautiful, good girl dog. Think about all the trouble you can get into with the little one if you team up against mommy and daddy...