BCBG - Sigh
Originally uploaded by Luc, Ang, Minou and Birdie.
Pair 11
more bcbg
she wears these alot - closed toe and they are shiny. Yippee mommy is a crow! They make her feet look huge!!!!!! (she is an 8.5 if you are wondering)
Pair 11
more bcbg
she wears these alot - closed toe and they are shiny. Yippee mommy is a crow! They make her feet look huge!!!!!! (she is an 8.5 if you are wondering)
pair 14
mommy went to winners with me many times before she bought these ones. Not sure what took her so long. now she wears them all the time.
pair 15
her newest shoes - aren't they cute? Daddy bought them for her. She is saving them cause it is too dirty to wear them right now as they are cloth. She thinks she will save them until she goes to Europe in another few weeks.
pair 12
more closed toe to wear to work only Birdie is in the way so you can't see.
pair 13
more bcbg
brown shoes - her only pair. She got a nice pair of brown dress pants and had NO shoes to wear. Alas she had to go shopping.
NOTE: mommy did not pay full price for any of these shoes. She may be addicted but she isn't a completel moron. (Except when she buys shoes that don't fit)
Am I at pair 10? I have lost track.
mommy likes these too - fun to wear poking out of jeans. I bet she takes them to NYC this weekend to go shopping in. ( i bet she also carries a comfy pair in her bag just in case)
pair 9
hmmm they don't fit her well so she rarely wears them even though they are really soft leather.
Yes she is soo addicted to shoes she buys shoes that don't fit her properly just to have them.
pair 7
her pretty much everyday shoes unless it is raining
pair 6
more BCBG
she loves these too.... even though they are a little small. She bought shoe stretchers and has stretched the crap out of them. She doesn't wear them very often. mostly because she doesnt have anything good to wear them with - so she says. i think it is because they still hurt her feet. Idiot.
Pair 3 - to be worn with the BCBG dress at the wedding. These ones have only been worn once - they are fairly new still.
pair 4
she hates these ones and isn't sure why she still has them
Pair 5
she LOVES these ones. more bcbg ones.... wore them alot this summer. Unfortunately she can't wear open toed shoes to work - this cuts into her cut shoe wearing time.
pair 8
she got these so she could wear them to work - closed toes! but she isn't super excited about them
Mommy has ALOT of shoes. She isn't addicted to knitting but she IS addicted to shoes... We will attempt to document all of mommy;s shoes in the next while. Tonight we shall start with all the shoes she has purchased since she last saw Auntie Steph. Some of the more boring ones are missing. But we will get to the eventually.
Pair 1
her nine west boots
pair 2
from aldo or something. These might actually be from before we were in Halifax with Auntie Steph
mommy bought this dress to wear to the wedding that she is going to in NYC this weekend. She is going to freeze. Idiot.
Me Mommy and Birdie - we were helping mommy take pictures of her shoes.... Auntie Stpeh you can kind of see Mommy's new haircut. It is dyed darker with some really blonde highlights put in - like white blonde. I think she looks like she has grey hair. you can see mommy's zits too heh heh.
We look pretty cute together... Still she is annoying...
And I don't know why she thinks she can blog while she is away with Mommy's computer. She can't even spell.
Mommy is talking more and more about being away all of March. I am terrified... Before it was NYC, Budapest, and Wales....
Now it is NYC, Budapest, London, Pompeii, Paris and Wales... All supposedly for "work" yah right. I heard her tell Daddy they have to go to Italy to rent shoes and London to rent costumes..... I'm starting to doubt all this...
My plan to prevent Birdie from coming here failed but now I must think of something to keep Mommy from going away.
Mommy said Auntie Angie is coming to stay with us so she can at least be a sort of substitute Mom while Mommy is gone...
We had a good play time outside yesterday. Mommy thought she was making some uber movie of us - turns out she was just watching us through the view screen and never actually pressed any buttons. Moron. Maybe we will run around again outside today. I'll get Daddy to push the button just to be safe.
I jumped over birdie chasing a stick - she was in my way - and dad caught it on film... WEEEEEEE!!!!
Birdie got a new sweater - noro silk garden. Mommy just made the pattern up. On size 3 needles she started with 50 stitches and went from there.. there is a close up on flickr
This is my new boyfriend..;.yh?%km - Grrr Birdie just walked on the keyboard.
ANyways - THAT handsome fellow is my new boyfriend - Stuart. I think I love him. When Mommy showed me his picture I gave her lots of kisses. I haven't met him yet but I think he likes me too! Mommy says maybe we can go to L.A. this summer to meet him. I can't wait.