I have time again... In theory LOTS of time and I like it that way.
The play is done. My homework is 3 minutes from being done - it is at the printers and I am picking it up tonight. My last class is tomorrow afternoon. I may have a job next week but right now that is still up in the air and I could care less if it happens or not - aside from the fact that I am broke. I did my taxes - well I took my taxes to the accountant - therefore I DID my taxes. Shredded all the bits I didn't need for recycling - I never shred things.... Whew. Now I am slowly cleaning the house and doing ALL the laundry. Still lots to do in that department but I am not in a rush and I have already accomplished quite a bit.
It is pouring rain outside and the girls are resting. If the sun comes out we will go for a walk.
I wish I could be unemployed forever, take classes and sew silly things for the wearable arts awards and the girls to wear. I've been buying t-shirts at superstore in the girls department to make t-shirts for my girls. I am addicted to Joe! They have great clothes for me and cute prints for Min Min and Brandine... I have a little pile waiting for me to cut up and make pretty. My serger is on the fritz though so I think I will take it in for some loving care before I make the t-shirts.

(This is where Birdie's nickname comes from, Brandine)
I'm officially unemployed right now too....but I have to finish my thesis. My husband suggests (as a working person) that I enjoy it while it lasts.