Somehow daddy is able to play internet poker but Mommy and I can't even check our email so we aren't sure how this post will turn out.
But here goes....
We had an, shall we say, interesting day today. Mommy and I went visit Petra and Mary. Petra works with Mommy and I have met her before - I like her alot. But Mary I wasn't too sure. Mary is white like me and about my height but she was fat and fuzzy. Mommy made me share my treats with her which I did not like AT ALL! Then after we had visited for what I thought was plenty long enough mommy made me put on this big thick lime green sweater, she put on one too. Then we walked down this long skinny road surrounded by water - Mary and Petra came too only they didn't wear the matching vests. Then at the end of the road there were these orange things and Petra put them in the water. Next thing I know MOMMY PUTS ME IN IT!!!! I WAS HORRIFIED. Then MOMMY GOT IN IT. Then SHE PUSHED IT AWAY FROM THE ROAD. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!
I white knuckled that orange thing. It was sooo scary. Mary didn't seem to mind - she must be dumb - didn't she know we were surrounded by water?
This water was wayyyyy bigger then the big bathub Mommy calls the pool in the backyard - it was even bigger then the backyard. And we took this orange thing in the middle of it. I was sooo scared. I tried to be good but after awhile I started to cry. I was just too scared. Mommy said too bad we were far away now. Whatever. I just wanted out so I kept putting my paws on the edge, I was just looking for the right place to jump out. Mommy told me toforget it and "Get out of my way and stay in the kayak" then she would hit me on the head with this big stick she had. She said it was an accident and it was because I kept trying to jump out, and she didn't really want to hit me on the head with the stick - like it was all my fault. HARDLY. It was totally her fault, I think she was trying to knock me out so I would be quiet. I never asked to go on this little trip.
Finally she turned around and then I was sure I could get out so I was trying even harder to jump out which resulted in more angry glares from Mommy and more hits on the head with the big stick. The big stick kept dropping water on my head too which I hardly enjoyed...
We got back and I have never been sooo happy to walk on that long skinny road. I didn't even care that I had that funny green sweater on. I hope we never do that again.
When we got back Mommy and Petra went in her pool in her backyard, it isn't as big as ours but Mommy said it was warmer. Mommy screamed like I sometimes do and fell under the water so I came running over - she said she just slipped off her pool thing and that she was okay. Whew.
Not much else happened Mommy and Petra talked and ate - and didn't share anything with me and Mary. Then I decided I wanted to play chase with Mary and Mommy kept asking why I wanted to play now that we were leaving. CAUSE I WAS FINALLY READY TOO. Silly Mommy it isn't like I was waiting for her to pack up her purse before I decided to play with Mary.
Anyways we are home now, I am glad and tired.. Time to play with Daddy and Baboon a bit before bed.
I will add some pictures another day - our internet is being really stupid still.
.... Next day now....
Our internet is better so I can add photos...

here we are getting ready for that "trip" - notice how I am gripping the edge of that orange thing as tightly as I can without opposable thumbs. That is Mary's bum in the corner of the picture.

This was Daddy yesterday afternoon. After he came out he said he hurt his - well you know, and if you don't you can guess when you realized how he was going to hit the water like a pancake.

these were some of the barbarians from Mommy's job - one of them is 6'7", he added the dandelions to his headband and Mommy thought it was funny so she took a picture.
Mommy is going to the dentist today - she says it is like going to the vet only WORSE. I hope I don't have to go with her.