ok not much to report.... Mommy totally was sleeping in this morning so I thought WHOA!!! NO GOOD!!! SO I decided I would give her lots of kisses to wake her up. Well she moaned and told me to go back to bed. But I didn't want her to be late for work so I tried it again and jumped on her a few times.... She still wasn't moving. It was like 5:15 and Mommy's alarm wasn't even going off. I was panicing so I went to get a squeaky toy to help....
THEN Mommy informs me she doesn't have to get up yet - she isn't going to work until later. WHOOPS. SOrry Mommy. If she had told me last night I wouldn't not have tried to wake her up.
I went back to sleep then until Mommy woke up with her alarm at 7:00.
Mommy and I did pilates then. Well ok. Mommy tried to do pilates and I jumped on her. It is more fun that way. She really likes it when she is wheezing trying to do these sit up things and I jump on her tummy. She REALLY likes it. And she likes it when I put my rawhide bones behind her so she rolls over onto them. Good stuff. Boy we had fun. I wish she did pilates more. She said she was doing it cause she didn't want to run in the rain this morning...
But our fun had to come to an end - Mommy went to work.
I found out Mommy doesn't have to work tomorrow though so we might go visit Gaye and John and Alex... they feed me chicken.. They were my babysitters last summer - I wish we still ived close to them. Mommy would go to work and they would come over and we would hang out.... Good times good times....
AND maybe we can go do some birthday present shopping for the various people on our list....
oh P.S. Auntie Steph I just heard the news - (for those of you who don't know Mommy was going to go interview for a position in the Xmen 3 costume shop but can't make the interview now and can't reschedule) I am so sorry. I am thinking of dressing up in some of Mommy;s clothes and shoes and going to the interview. I can sew so maybe I will get the job! I will make the wolf guys costumes cause wolves are kinda like dogs...
2 days ago
ReplyDeleteIf you're going to MOmmy's interview for X3, please wear the pink high heeled shoes. You'll need to look tall if you're impersonating Mommy. If Hugh Jackman is there and happens to be dressed like Wolverine... please hump his leg for me. The jeans that Wolverine wears? MMMMMmmmmMMMMmmmm..
Ack, Mommy I'm sorry you can't reschedule your interview. That would have been cool. Then again from the dealings I've had so far with them maybe it's a good thing. Just get me Patrick Stewart, Minou and hump his leg too!