Mommy didn't go for a run today - AGAIN!!! Like the 4th day in a row!!! BADDDD!!! But her and Daddy did pilates again... This time I got to jump on both of them! I tried to chew my bone on Daddy's tummy while he did the 100's... heh heh...
Then Daddy made crepes... this totally counteracted any pilates and then some - and he made a small little Minou sized one. I heard Mommy say "is that for Minou?" and I was totally excited but guess who ate it? Nooo not Minou. DADDY. Rude rude rude.....
We went shopping this afternoon.. They didn't buy anything for me and didn't bring me in the mall - I bet they ate food in there - they sure smelled like they did. Mommy has been talking about another pair of pink bcbg shoes ever since we left a place called winners.... hmmm.. I wonder if we are going back tomorrow????
Tonight Mommy has been sewing and Daddy went golfing so I have been napping. We never did go see Gaye and John and Alex.

Mommy's knitting thus far - it is very slow going.....
Tonight she started sewing a vest for running - something to keep her dry - this way she can't stay home just cause it is raining.

All the fabric bits Mommy had lying around to make the vest out of.

The pattern mommy made for the vest - I jumped on it and put a hole in it!

the really nasty Mock up of mommy's new vest just to see if it will actually work...

Me napping in my marco marco shirt - I still have to make Audrey a collar even though I think she doesn't deserve it - Mommy says I have too.
I guess I should point out Mommy did eventually go for a run today around 6:00 - the sun was actually out. I thought I would rather stay home and hump my baboon - which mommy said was crusty and gross. If she thinks it is nasty how do you think I feel, I can't reach the washing machine or I would do something about it myself.... Maybe I should start a petition to get baboon washed....
MInou - You look like an anime character in your little barcobarco shirt! Awwwwwwww... you're adorable when you sleep, but when you need to, you can save the universe...