AGAin.. Mommy is working 12 hour days again. I knew it was coming.... She leaves at 6:15 am and starts work at 7:00 then works until 7:30pm and gets home a little after 8:00pm. What a long day. Then today she went for a run as soon as she came home. I got all excited for nothing as she left again! Poops.. But now she is home. She says I am almost out of cookies and she should make me some more - I AGREE!!!! But it takes awhile to bake them all and it is getting late.
Maybe I will get out some bowls to try and help her and some ingredients. I am trying to look extra hungry so she feels guilty.
Someone asked for my cookie recipes once... mommy has a lame cookbook from the grodery store with recipes full of ingredients she has never heard of - there is one recipe in there. it came with the bone shaped cookie cutter. As cute as the bone is I would prefer oh tiaras and hearts and diamonds...
The other recipe she found on the internet.. Maybe tomorrow we will post them. not tonight or I will never get to eat them.
Mommy has to work Saturday too - only 8 hours on Sat. though. She said MAYBE I could come along. I don't know if I want to - maybe if Daddy is working.... Although there will be all those buffalo hides to play on - it could be fun sniffing... there is apparently another puppy who works in props called coco....
ok time to get these cookies going....
37 minutes ago
Oh, Minou, I needed you today! Remember that special thing you do for your mommy once a month when her tummy hurts really bad? Yeah, well mine hurt so bad today it gave me a back ache. I wonder if your mommy would miss you for a day or two each month...
ReplyDeleteMinou, have your mommy email me and I'll give her the best cookie recipe ever! I'll even supply the bone shaped biscuit cutters! I would even make them for you. You are a special doggy! You are in the top 5 of puppies I would kidnap. Really!
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for you kiddo, being all alone like this! What is your mommy working on that entails all these mysterious animal hides? Can she say?
ReplyDeleteCookies!!!!! Must have your mommy give my mommy the recipe. I LOVE cookies...almost as much as I love you. Ok, I'll be honest. I love cookies more. But not by a lot.
ReplyDeleteMinou - My Opie and Abbey asked for the cookie recipe. They have been waiting very patiently and can wait longer - they are ona diet! But - shhhh - I haven't told them that yet!
ReplyDeleteMinou - I'm thinking about running away from home. Uncle Andrew is working more hours a day than your mommy. I know how to bake, so I'll give those doggie cookies a try. Do you want to get a place together? I'm going to pack my belongings in a kerchief and tie it to a stick. I think I'll make it to BC by the fall. Can you hold out that long?
ReplyDeleteHmmm, can ya'll make me some cookies too? mmmm... cookies....