Thursday, January 26, 2006

mommy just saw the new xm satelite (except I can't spell that word cause I am a dog) commercial and she is as giddy as a school girl. Not only does it have her favourite- who I was almost named after - Snoop Dog looking for his chain BUT it has David Bowie her most ultimate hero wearing snoops chain. What else could Mommy want - well I guess to be in the commercial with them but until then it is her favourite commericial.


  1. wow, she JUST saw the commercial? we have been seeing it for months now!

    i am just wondering why david bowie would WANT snoops' chain? makes no sense to me.

  2. we've had that here for a while too.. and I think it's funny as well...Ellen Degeneres is on it too!!!

  3. I've never seen it...guess we don't watch much TV.
    G's up - Hoe's down! ;)

  4. I haven't seen it yet, but any commercial with David Bowie has to be cool. Who cares what it's for.

  5. I just saw it too. David Bowie can do no wrong.
